Date: Saturday, 15.11.2025
Time and Location: Halle Münsterland, 19.30-22 o'clock (Doors open at 18.30 o'clock)
Admission: 25 € / 15 € reduced
Information about ticket booking will follow in May 2025.
The presale is expected to begin in June 2025.
100 years.
100 physicists.
100 students.
One chorus.
Inspired by quantum physics, the French composer Yannick Paget has developed a unique musical language in a long-term collaboration with physicist Koji Hashimoto (Kyoto University). The work has received multiple awards. For Münster, the piece "Fundamental Interactions" will be expanded for the first time to include a choral part that addresses the history of 100 years of quantum physics.
The musicians of the NSO Kyoto will be supported by students and pupils from Münster, as well as special guest David Rauterberg from the Rudelsingen. Jacob Beutemps from the YouTube channel BreakingLabs will host the evening.
The illustrator Michael Tewiele designs 100 T-shirts featuring 100 portraits of outstanding physicists for the premiere of the Quantum100 choir. A short making-of video provides insight into the creation of the illustrations. The text for the Quantum100 choir is written by Chris Mosdell.
Program Schedule
- 18.30-19:30 o'clock: Doors open
- 19.30.-19.45 o'clock: Welcome and Introduction (Jacob Beutemps)
- 19.45-20:45 o'clock: "Fundamental Interaction" (Parts I-IV)
- 20.45-21:15 o'clock: Break
- 21.15-21.45 o'clock: "Fundamental Interaction" (Part V: Quantum100 Choir)
Jacob Beautemps, BreakingLab
Composition, Direction, Percussion, and Electronics: Yannick Paget (Paris/Kyoto)
Scientific Advisors: Koji Hashimoto & Stefan Heusler
Live Video Director: Alexandre Maubert
Real-Time Visuals: Sagar Patel
Ceramist: Toru Kurokawa
Lighting Design: Thomas Costerg
Text: Chris Mosdell
N’SO KYOTO Soloists: William Prunkl (Cello), Mami Nakamura (Clarinet), Mikio Kawahara (Euphonium)
Contributors from Münster:
Studentenorchester Münster
Gymnasium Paulinum Münster
Special Guest:
David Rauterberg